Minggu, Juli 25, 2010

Charger story

kembali ke lumajang. belum sampe jember gw nyadar charger hape gw ketinggalan. oh gosh!!!
mau balik ngambil kok gak mungkin. nanti gw kemaleman sampe tujuan. solusinya simplenya ya.. buy new charger.
but... my financial condition doesnt support it. i still need big money to rent house, repair the camera i was broke, repair my mobike, n buy a present for my colleague’s babyborn. fyu. buy new charger seems like a very hard thing to do.

then i call friend of mine.suhokiah. i remember she has two cellphones. she said okay but... few minutes later she told me that she also lost the charger of the cellphone i would borrow. yah...
then fortunately other friend of mine message me. whoa. i remember he ever told me that he had some cellphone. i told him my prob and... he doesnt mind if i use one of his. yipppiee...

may god just wanna tell me. hey rahma, you should thanks to me cuz i give u georgeous friends. teman2 yg bisa diandalkan. thank you god!! alhamdulillah ^^

bentar lg sampe lumajang lgsung meluncur ke tofik’s boarding house. ngambil hengpong!

*Written on the bus, otw to lumajang.

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