Selasa, April 27, 2010

ayo hidup sehat!!!

horror.  yesterday my mom got a call.  somebody on the telephone told her that her brother (my uncle) got hospitalized.  at dawn, someone found him lying helpless in the roadside.  he was rushed to the nearest public health center and hadn't awake yet until last night.  he probably had a stroke.  i dunno.  today mom will go to visit him.  wish he will get better soon. amen. 

according to my nurse cousin, maybe my uncle actually has a severe disease but he denied the symptoms or wouldn't feel it cuz he was too busy at work or thought that it was only common pain. and boommm!!!   at the time, God gave him a temptation, severe sickness.

healthy is expensive thing.  and we usually only feel it when we've been sick.  so, when we still able to work and do many activities like we are now, we should not oversimplify something that is not normal in our body.  if you feel okay even you know that you have unhealthy life style (too many work and junk food, inadequate nutrition, improper rest, smoking, etc) hmmm... you have to wory bout yourself.  maybe ten or twenty years later you will feel the pain cuz this day you already plant the seed of it.   

let's do the healthy living.  love your beloved by keeping your body fit.  i wont imagine that someday i am in severe pain, aggrieving and hassling people who loves me. 

may God always gives us health. amen.

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