Senin, Mei 25, 2009

nerd.nerd.nerd is dead

menjelang habisnya kontak kerja as staff trainee,
gw pun bikin personal evaluation..
dengan culunnya..
nulis apa2 yg udah dikerjain dengan sangat ringkas,,
tiga poin, yg masing2 gak lebih dari 5 kata..
dan dengan culunnya langsung gw imel ke para mentor
tanpa kata pengantar,, attachment doang
supervisor gw tg pertama baca,, langsung komen:
eh,, tolong dielaborasi, ya.. ditulis yg detail, sekalian blajar nulis…
trus kalo kirim imel, kasih kata pengantar, biar tau maksudnya apa..

jadilah poin2 kerja gw seperti ini:

1. Data input for recapitulation of provincial APBD

2. Reading bricks: record library materials (references) used for writing provincial research reports

3. Make a list of references of provincial research reports

4. Make a list of references of Partnership Governance Index 2008 Report

5. Make a list of abbreviations of Partnership Governance Index 2008 Report

6. Recheck the provincial research reports by re-examining the value of index in each province reports

7. Recheck Partrnership Governance Index 2008 Reports by re-examining the value of index, adding table of content, and adding annexes.

trus dikomen lagi sama para mentor:

Ms. Rahma Yulianti thus far has done very well in fulfilling all tasks assigned to her. She is a fast learner and always complete her assignment in timely manner and punctually. Due to this is her first experience in a job environment, her interpersonal skills need to be sharpen and improved. Job environment does not only require someone to work on what is assigned however interacting with others within the organization is important to be able to build a good team work. In this manner, Ms. Rahma Yulianti still needs to be more actively in bonding with others outside the unit since her next stage of assignment will require for her to interact intensively with other units such as HR, Operations, Finance and other Clusters. Thus, she will need to build her interpersonal skills in a sophisticated way to support her achievement in job deliverables.

GAU is still in the stage of lacking staff with many works still need to be done. Therefore we would like to extend her contract for the period of three (3) months.

wah,,, meski gw gak dapet nilai sempurna,,

tetep.. kalimat terakhirnya memberi harapan..


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